Monday, August 30, 2010

blog #7

I read the book The Great Gatsby. I feel like he makes several small arguments throughout the entire book. However, I feel like his argument for the overall story is much bigger, money doesn't buy happiness. This is a very strong argument and he argues it through a small group of fictional characters. Gatsby was a very wealthy man who only achieved his wealth to impress Daisy. He spent many years of his adult life working to make money so that Daisy would love him. But in the end she did not love him. All that money he stove to make could not buy him the one thing that would truly make him happy, which was Daisy. Daisy is another example that money cannot buy happiness. Daisy was married to a very wealthy man named Tom. Although they were married, neither one was very happy. Daisy was so unhappy being married to Tom but she stayed with him regardless because he was rich. Being married to Tom allowed Daisy all the access to money and goods that she could ever desire, but she was not happy with Tom.

Monday, August 23, 2010

blog #6

People often look at bipolar disorder in a very negative way. They would that the constant mood swings and capability of snapping at any moment would be too much for them to handle. I for one have known a bipolar person in the past and she was a wonderful person. She was very patient and worked very hard to get along with people. What she went through everyday was a fight for happiness. She was only as happy as she let herself believe she was because of her condition. She would often hide out from people when she was in manic phase because she only wanted people to see the good happy side of her, not the depressant side. She just wanted to get along with people but because she was a severe bipolar she could not do that. She became a recluse. A recluse that would only come out in her happiest phases so that people wouldn't think she was crazy. she was very self-conscious about her condition when really she was just the average joe with mood swings. I have known her a while and I can honestly say that her mood swings are not as severe as people let her to believe. It wasn't her self-esteem that led her to be a recluse, it was the negative things people would say about her condition. Society led her out to be crazy and so that is how she viewed herself. Well I knew this woman for a long time and I can say that she was not crazy. She simply had a genetic medical condition that people take way too far.  

blog #4

Two thing that are different but ironically similar.

I would consider a rose to be in comparison to a tiger. although a rose and a tiger are completely different anatomically, physically, and have different ways of life, I would consider them to be similar because of one common characteristics. Both use naturally given sharp body parts or means of protection. A rose relies on it's thorns for protection and a tiger relies on it's sharp nails to protect him.

blog #5

Is the box man happy. I would think that that would be the only thing that matters. But instead, people often are more worried about how he lives his life, whether or not he is happy living it. His type of lifestyle is considered poor, but he is very rich within himself. in other word, the box man has a very spontaneous an positive attitude toward his lifestyle. He would prefer not to have people help him or pity him because he is living the life he chose. People in society would think that the box man was crazy for wanting a lifestyle like that, but as long as he is happy, then why would anyone else care what he does. Yet, they do.    

Thursday, August 19, 2010

blog #3

One Book that I read this summer was the Great Gatsby. It was a tragic story filled with romance, irony, and conflict. The books imagery was very well descriptive about both the characters and the setting. Based on the descriptions of the characters that was given in the book, I felt like I knew the characters personally. Fitzgerald did an extraordinary job with the characters qualities and individualities.
The story has a very well organised structure. All the hints and foreshadowing to the end are very well worded in a way that the ending is not revealed but instead just suspected. However the end is truly shocking. this is a very well written novel and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to read it.  

blog #2

The most recent non-fiction book I read was Guns, Germs, and Steel, written by Jared Diamond. It is a History reference that explains, in great detail, about the evolution of humanity and the fates of human society. The book starts off about 7million years ago when historians believe that the first human had evolved. Humans were evolved form apes and started out on the country of Africa. Diamond suggests that humans were capable enough to develop certain hand tool that were essential to survival. It was also said that humans started to build small rafts, which eventually evolved into boats, then eventually ships, that were used for humans to distant themselves among their specific races amongst the globe. The first humans ever to enter the continent of North America were people that crossed the Bering strait down from Asia into North America. all these different races of society started out with no more intelligence than the average animal, but as they evolved overtime they were able to accomplish so much more. All races of humans worked at different speeds of discovery. It wasn't until about 3000 B.C. when the first written language was put into action. Humans evolved from the usage of hand tool made out of sticks and stones, into what we are today. History plays an important part in all that we have discovered today, for example: Vaccines, I phones, nuclear technology. All these amazing inventions that came to be over a long period of people who worked hard searching for ways to improve society.    

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

blog #1

Who am I? Well, I can give you a hint:
I am generally a Kind person, I love Ice cream, I listen to all types of Music, I am a Passive person so that makes me easy to get Along with, I am a huge Redskins fan, Kit-kat's are my favorite candy bar, Elephants are my favorite animal, and I consider myself to be a very Reliable person.
                     -My name is Kim Parker.